ASEAN Single Wndow (ASW)
ASEAN Single Window (ASW) is established to connect and integrates National Single Window (NSWs) of each member of ASEAN countries. An initiative in exchanging CEPT Form-D document ended up to the final goal: exchanging Customs Declarations among ASEAN countries.
PT EDI Indonesia collaborates with DagangNet Malaysia to build ASW Exchange Gateway System which at this very moment has started the exchanging of CEPT Form-D document between Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Brunei Darussalam.
Pan Asian e-commerce Alliance (PAA)
PAA is an alliance between e-commerce and e-business provider in Asia Pacific region. It aims to create joint development of e-commerce and e-business markets. Nowadays, PAA has 12 members which are an e-commerce/e-business provider in each member countries.
KGHnet, as a partner of KGH Sweden Customs, has become important partner to PT EDI Indonesia in terms of facilitating the exchange of electronic documents between business players in Indonesia to its partners in Europe. Due to the interconnections between EDII and KGHnet, also among KGHnet with KGH Customs, Indonesia is now ready to conduct transactions throughout Europe.